28-31 July 2021
Connectivity and diversity in music cognition
The 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition was jointly organised with the 11th triennial conference of ESCOM and was held fully virtually from 28-31 July 2021. The aim of the joint conference was to provide an interdisciplinary and intercultural platform for the dissemination of most recent developments in music cognition research. To offer inclusivity to researchers, the conference was held online and organised across multiple hubs.
Special theme of the conference was 'connectivity and diversity in music cognition', highlighting intersubjectivity, individual differences, cross-cultural variation, and neurological as well as mind-body-environment connectivity. Submissions that address music cognition in a broad sense were welcomed.
The post-conference report contains an overview of the conference, including public events, best paper awards, and an overview of paper and poster sessions. A summary of the organisation of the conference is provided and a summary of the feedback that was obtained.
If you are interested to hear about our experience with hosting a major conference online, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Also do spread the word around of the possibility of virtual and semi-virtual conferencing, including promoting virtual attendance, creation of a parallel hub, and virtual presentation at conferences that organisers intend to be fully in person. Online conference technology has certainly developed to be able to offer a highly valuable experience.
Contact: Prof. Renee Timmers, chair of the conference
Conference Report

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28-31 July 2021 ICMPC16-ESCOM11
1 Oct 2021 Post conference website published